Discussion post

Do You Dog Ear Your Page?

In the bookish world, this is truly the great debate of our time. As a community we must consider whether dog ear-ing pages of a book should be considered  wanton destruction, or simply the most convenient way to mark your place in a book. This post is pretty silly, but I really like having fun debates about topics that don’t have a right answer but where people get really excited and worked up about their side!

So, I thought it would be fun topic to talk about and I’d love to hear some of your opinions!.

I know people who absolutely hate the idea of dog ear-ing a page. I mean I’ve seen people physically wince while watching someone fold a page in their book. From what I’ve heard some people feel as though dog ear-ing pages is damaging the book and therefore ghastly. By contrast, I know some people who almost never use bookmarks in favor of dog ear-ing.

Personally I think I’m fairly moderate on this subject. I don’t personally do it, but I can’t say I mind when I see it. I love reading and I adore books, and while I think actually damaging books is obviously something to be avoided; I sometimes think we conflate the destruction of a physical book and the destruction of its ideas.

I honestly  think the only time I have been bothered by dog ear-ing was finding it in books that were assigned in high school, where every other page was folded. Though In my opinion that is more an issue of respecting someone else’s property, and the fact that these books were already pretty torn up/

But, if someone wants to dog ear their own personal book, I don’t mind at all. The people who I personally know who seem to do this the most are power readers, who go through books incredibly quickly. So maybe dog ear-ing allows them to read at their preferred pace.

I also think there is a certain charm to dog eared books, I think it gives them a bit of a story. I often buy second hand books that have tog eared pages and cracked spines, and I see a book that was obviously well loved!

That’s it! I’d love to hear your thoughts! Do you dog ear pages? Or does the thought make you shudder?

60 thoughts on “Do You Dog Ear Your Page?”

  1. I try my hardest not to dog ear my pages, especially BC I get a lot of books from the library and it doesn’t seem right to do that on a book that isn’t mine. However, there have been desperate times where I don’t have a bookmark handy and have made the teeniest dog ear on my book and it doesn’t hurt my heart as much as I thought it would 😂 it’s also cool when you’re opening a book you haven’t read in a while and see the old dog eared pages. It’s kind of reminiscent? Idk, I’m weird LOL

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  2. I work in a library and have spent far to much time unfolding the corners of books that people have returned so I am in the category of people who cringe when they see it. I have a million bookmarks but tend to use random scraps of paper, or my receipt from checking out my library books to mark pages. Ribbon bookmarks are to be avoided because I have a cat and the ribbon always ends up in his possession.

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    1. Oh my goodness I can understand the frustration!
      Surprisingly my cat only goes after ribbons in motion, so mine are safe.
      A cat with a pile of ribbons seems like it would be quite cute, despite the hassle of finding your page again! :3


  3. I used to dog-ear my books when I was younger, but as I have gotten older, I no longer do… never, if it’s a borrowed book. I guess there is something sacred about someone lending me one of their treasures!
    That being said, I don’t think anything of someone doing it, and if I were in a pinch and didn’t have anything else to use, I would do it.
    Like you, I think books that have dog-eared pages tell a story… proof that they have been read and loved!
    Thanks for such a great post!

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  4. Reblogged this on The Curious Chapter and commented:
    I love this post by @thespellboundlibrarian! It really made me think about how I feel about dog-eared pages… While most of my reading is done on an electronic device, I love printed books.
    I no longer dog-ear my pages; however, when I was younger, I did. Would love to hear your thoughts on this! ❤️

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  5. Honestly I don’t really care about dog earing a page? Like as long as it’s you book, you do you. I don’t do it myself but I do have a habit of fidgeting with the edges of pages and so destroying them :’) I also love cracking spines. But I am a little more careful when I have especially pretty editions of classics or something, but for the most part I want to be able to really /read/ my paperbacks and I can’t do that while also keeping them pristine. What I do /really/ disliked always is when people underline passages or write notes in library books. Like, how dare they, it’s not their books, other people want to read it too, keep your thoughts to yourself.

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    1. I think I agree completely with everything you’ve said! I also have pretty much given up trying to keep mass market paper backs in perfect condition.
      I also agree with you about library books, I don’t understand how people act with things that arn’t theirs.

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  6. I’ve never been one to dog-ear. I usually have a bookmark on hand, and even if I don’t, I can usually fashion one out of a sheet of notebook paper or just use a small index card. My current bookmark is one a friend got for me for my birthday one year that has my astrological sign and several qualities about it with a painting of a nature goddess in the background. My local bookstore will also give you a free bookmark with the store’s information on it when you make a purchase.

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  7. I never do that, I personally don’t like to see my book with folded pages but I have nothing against those that do it! I mean it’s their books! I love love bookmarks but I have to accept they magically disappear so I use whatever I can find near me haha

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  8. I never do… anymore. I know I used to as a kid as some of my old books have that bent page. I’ll use the closest thing to mark the page if I don’t have a bookmark nearby XD

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  9. I personally don’t dog ear my pages, but i don’t cringe when others do so. What does make me cringe, though, is when i see people highlight whole paragraphs in that ugly yellow. Not when they highlight in textbooks, but when they do it in a brand new, beautiful hardcover book! Gack!!!

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  10. I love dog earring my books. When I come back to reread, it’s always interesting to see “this is where I stopped last time.” I never do with a library book or if I borrow a friends, specifically for the reason that so many others hate it. But for my personal ones, I dog ear away!

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  11. I admit to being utterly confused by the recurring comments above that dog-eared equates to ‘well-loved’. Surely we don’t deface or damage things that we love?
    And, if we are enjoying a book so much, how hard is it to find the point where we stopped reading?
    You have probably guessed by now, I think dog-ears are an abomination inflicted by lazy readers.
    Do what you will to your own property, but leave library and loan books unsullied, please.

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  12. *falls dramatically to the floor* Dog earing,nonononono! *pulls myself back up off the floor and look at my very neatly kept books* Hehe! It isn’t for me but I do understand the charm of it,it makes a book yours it has your stamp on it 🙂

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  13. I am a total OCD book Nazi. I can’t stand it when someone dog-ears a page! I mean, textbooks are all in their own category and I’m okay with that. But a book book?! It KILLS me! I am totally guilty of physically cringing, tearing-up, and going all out on rampages! XD Hahaha, guilty as charged. My books are, for the most part, kept pretty close to pristine. I love well-loved books. I love finding old books with yellowed pages and wear and tear, first editions, etc. But to purposefully bend the page over of a new book? And please don’t ever let me see you dog-ear an antique! AUGH. Even the thought of those cursed dog-ears hurts. my. sooouuullll…so, there you have my opinion on the subject. 😀

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  14. As a sidenote: Dude, if I don’t have a bookmark nearby, I’m probably not breathing properly. XD Or I just make something work. A post it note, a receipt, a string, my finger until I find some form of clean paper…whatever’s handy.

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  15. I used to think of books as almost sacrosanct and would never crack a spine or dog ear anything. I’m not sure when or why, but I shifted my thoughts on that. It was the same time I shifted my thoughts on a lot of “precious” things, like the best china, the best linens, etc. I moved from thinking of things only being for special occasions to really using them and loving them.

    For me to enjoy a book, I need to crack the spine. I need to not worry about crinkling a page or turning a corner or whatever. I want to get into the story…reallllllllly get into it… and for me that means not having to worry about the package the story came in (which, after all, is all that a book is). That’s also why I’ve admitted I don’t particularly care for hard covers. I used to. I used to think that paperbacks were…well…so very gauche. But that’s what I love to read. They are easier to hold and pack around in any situation and to curl up with in bed. So I guess I sort of got rid of what was (for me) book snobbery and what I thought I should like in books (age is a lovely thing for getting rid of such ideas!!) and now I just read what I want, when I want, in whatever format I want.

    All that said, I DO still hold borrowed books in very high esteem, whether paperback or hard cover, as others have said because they are not mine. The same as I treat anything borrowed with more care than my own possessions.

    And, ultimately, it just comes down to what we each individually enjoy about books – where does our own happiness come from with them?

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  16. I admit that I used to dog-ear books as a common practice. These days, I only resort to this if it’s my own book and there’s no bookmark handy. That rarely happens, anymore, since I own a HUGE collection of bookmarks that fills a clear glass, covered container, such as the type meant for dry pasta.

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  17. In past, I was using a business card that I took up in a hotel I was staying in.
    Since I switched to ebooks two years ago, these troubles are irrelevant – I can bookmark and highlight as I please.

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  18. I don’t dog ear my pages. If there is something I want to go back to again I use a post it page flag. I have tons of bookmarks but if one isn’t handy I will use a receipt or random piece of paper to mark my place.

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  19. I am one of those who wince at dog-earring and think writing in books (yes, even your own) is blasphemy. Why? Because I worked “triage” cleaning and repair of books at my high school library for more years than I attended it, and my family collects antique books.

    If it’s a low-quality paperback that you own or that you bought used and abused for the purposes of doing it more damage… whatever. Don’t care. Those things don’t last even if well treated. But if it is a hardback or well made enough to survive at least several generations—DON’T YOU DARE! That book might belong to you now, but at some point you’ll die and it will have another owner. It may even survive to be an antique. It may even survive to be a relic of history to inform future generations. Treat it with respect.


  20. I grind my teeth and have to control myself when I see anyone dog ear a page in a book. I have stacks of bookmarks at my house and carry extras with me and offer them to people when I see them dog ear a page. and, no, of course I’m not at all OCD.


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